Note: This is South Carolina State Law. Please check with your show manager as he or she may have a more strict protocol in place for your specific event.

Updated Message from
Adam Eichelberger, Veterinary Counsel from Clemson

SC Horse Import and EIA Requirements

Horse Owners and Industry Leaders,

    Please be aware of South Carolina's laws and regulations on protecting your horses health and our strong equine industry. Currently in 5 other states (California, Florida, Illinois, Tennessee, & Utah) horses, horse owners, and equine industries are experiencing difficulties due to the Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1). These situations in other states remind us to be diligent to prevent disease issues in SC. Below are the current requirements for horses coming into SC and the EIA/Coggins requirements for SC horses.

SC import requirements- (out of state horses)
Any horse, mule, donkey, zebra, or other equid imported (crossing state lines) into South Carolina must have the following-
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) commonly referred to as a 30 day Health Certificate (Established prior to 1976)
The CVI must include horse's description, date of negative EIA results, Lab and Accession number. Negative EIA Coggins test within 12 months, if over 6 months of age (Amended 1993)

SC EIA/Coggins requirements- (in-state horses, Established 1993)
Any horse, mule, donkey, zebra, or other equid 6 months of age or older that is imported into South Carolina, moving within the state to a public assembly, or at public assembly must have a negative EIA (Coggins) test within the previous 12 months. Public assembly is defined as the gathering of two or more horses that are owned by two or more different individuals. Public assemblies include, but are not limited to, boarding stables and pastures, shows, exhibitions, fairs, rodeos, racetracks, trail rides, and any other public or private gathering of equines.

    When traveling outside of SC, it is advised that you or your veterinarian contact the State Veterinarian's Office of your destination to determine their current requirements. It is also recommended that you check with the event, show, or grounds for their requirements. Some shows and events will require MORE than the State Veterinarian's Office. Disregarding the requirement of a state or event may result in refusal of entry to states/events, fines, disciplinary/corrective actions, and/or potentially exposing your horse to disease.

As SC residents you are eligible for the 6 Month Equine Event Permit (EEP). (Established 2003)
More information can be found at-

Our Equine Information page-

Please help us all work together to protect our horses and equine industry. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Please forward this information to all SC horse owners.

Best Regards,

Adam C. Eichelberger, DVM, DACT
Interim Director, Animal Health Programs
Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health
PO Box 102406, Columbia, SC 29224-2406
(803)726-7804 Office, (803)730-2725 Mobile, (803)788-8058 Fax